Why contribute to NEP Network?
Writing articles is important for you for a number of reasons:
- To offer information and build a relationship with your newsletter subscribers/readers.
- To give your readers and followers a deeper/objective understanding of a topic.
- To develop your academic and intellectual skills and to receive feedback from the readers.
- To track your followers (number of likes & tweets).
- Furthermore, the NEP Network provides you strong networking system (the Facebook forum has more than 6000 members) where members can read your article, share and discuss it. We have also volunteer editors and political/academic advisers that can provide you guidelines and theories.
Finally, if you want to enter into the world of politics, you can’t remain silent; you must publish your ideas/opinions and get the feedback of the public.
Topics to write about:
The topics should be about the political, socio-economic and cultural developments in MENAC (Middle East-North Africa-Caucasus) region. Such as Human rights (ethnic and gender minorities), sectarianism, conflict resolution, democracy international relations… It can be also about historical periods (Genocide, war, coups…), or reflections on books you have read. We encourage contributors to write problem-solution oriented articles. To encourage the exchange of opinions and discussion in our forum. The voice of the youth must be heard.
NEP English articles contributing sample:
- Reference: Use footnotes or hyperlinks
- Body Text: For articles (800-1000 words) for research papers (1200-3000 words)
- Image Description: A story/description about the photo/video
- Tags (As many as you want): ( your name, places, countries, organizations…)
- Image Caption: (Source: From where did you get the photo- website/photographer/etc)
- Image/video: (Link or attachment)
- Summary: (Between 160-260 max. characters with spaces)
- Facebook Title: Interactive title (max. 85 characters [with spaces] + hashtags)
- Title: (max. 85 [characters with spaces])
- Byline: (Author’s Name)
- Bio: A short biography of the author
- Twitter handle (At the bottom of the Body Text): You can follow the author on Twitter @xxx.
Send your article/report/paper (on Microsoft word text) with an attachment/link to the following email: neweasternpolitics@gmail.com with a short bio introducing yourself.
If you want to become a contributor or volunteer editor; please send to our email your photo, short bio (mentioning your specialty in case you want to contribute) and write in a paragraph why and how you can contribute to our network.
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